Who Are We?
We’re Toby & Hannah, a husband & wife photography & videography team. We shoot weddings both individually and together throughout the UK and internationally. Since 2012 we’ve photographed 400 + weddings and won multiple awards.
Our Story
We knew each other when we were 16, when Hannah was wearing backless tops & Toby was in a Nirvana tribute band. 12 years later we met in Sainsbury’s car park & Toby worked that magic line, “Shall we shop together?” We didn’t share a trolley but we discovered a mutual love of photography, film, music & travel. The backless tops are (thankfully) long gone but the guitar & record collection is still growing. We’ve also added our energetic, music-loving chatterbox, Dylan, to the mix & we’re enjoying the wild ride that is family life together. We live in Matlock, Derbyshire on the edge of the Peak District. Red on Blonde is our family business, established in 2012 and the name is a play on one of our favourite Bob Dylan albums, ‘Blonde on Blonde’. Toby is the red half.

Tea-guzzling, biscuit dunker, creative-thinker, plays guitar, loves cinema, music and conquering mountains on his bike. Strong thighs (thanks to afore mentioned cycling), was once a wannabe (ginger) Noel Gallagher, makes a mean espresso martini, listens to Hannah chat a lot.

Travel-obsessed, music-loving, French-speaking romantic who loves love, with big dance moves. Also enjoys sarcasm, banter and hanging out with bands. But cannot play an instrument.